I have been feeling overwhelmed, how about you?

This is such a crazy experience we are all going through right now. I know to not sit in fear, however, it can prove to be quite the challenge. As an empath, I feel the world and everyone’s fear. I know that over the past three weeks as events, vacations, and our overall lives have turned upside down I have not done the best job at maintaining my energy. I have had an upset stomach and diarrhea coming and going until one night sitting in extreme physical pain, I turned to Inna Segal’s book, The Secret Language of Your Body. For all the issues I was having, it said it was related to fear and feeling out of control. So, there I sat, doing the exercises in the book and continuing to meditate bringing in the feelings of peace and love. Within one hour I began to feel better. The next day, I had more energy than I have had over the past three weeks and no more diarrhea!

Now, below are some of the thoughts that have been going through my head, maybe you can relate;

  1. How did the virus get here?

  2. Was it man-made? Who is behind it?

  3. Is the media driving our fear by mispresenting the facts?

  4. Why aren’t there enough test? Why aren’t they accurate?

  5. Am I going to get sick? Are my loved ones going to get sick or have to die alone?

  6. How can we have accurate data?

  7. What are the real numbers?

  8. Are people that are dying from various medical conditions being listed as COVID-19 on their death certificate?

  9. Why is Bill Gates even involved in any of this?

  10. Will there be a mandated vaccine?

  11. What’s the real story with 5G and why are they installing it everywhere while everyone is quietly at home? Is it harmful and how harmful?

  12. Is the government/politicians/other parties putting their profits before our health AGAIN?

  13. Is there way more going on behind the scenes the government is distracting us from?

  14. Why is everyone hoarding toilet paper? Crap, will I run out of toilet paper?

  15. Why are the grocery store shelves empty? Will I be able to get the food I need?

  16. Am I going to bring the virus home from the store?

  17. Will my business survive?

  18. Will I be able to pay bills?

  19. What can I do?

  20. How can I be of service?

  21. Can I move somewhere off the grid?

  22. When will this all be over?

  23. What does the future look like for us?

Even though we may not have the answers (or possibly even have them in our lifetime), I have learned that it’s important to question EVERYTHING. With the said, it’s equally important to not let the fear and worry consume us. Most of these things I have no control over and the real fact is that being in the space of fear only attracts these things to us. You can question EVERYTHING and still be in loving peaceful energy. I choose to be the light for others and most important for myself (we often forget that part), hopefully, it will inspire others to do the same.

For now, I am choosing to lay low off social media and no longer click on any articles or videos that send me spiraling, I have allowed it to take my energy for far too long. I know and trust in God and that there is a Divine plan for our highest good. Having faith and a knowing brings me the much-needed peace. I am going to focus on what I can control; my energy, my reactions, being of service, and all the love I have to give.  

Now, the most important question; what will we all learn and take away from this experience?

  1. Here is what I will be taking away from all this;

  2. Live my life to the fullest every day. Don’t wait for retirement as you never know what the future may hold.

  3. It’s taught me to be grateful and to find joy in the little things in my life that I already have.

  4. Show your love for people all the time. HUG them!

  5. Be kind to everyone, as you never know their personal battles.

  6. I have been wanting to start a garden for years and I will now make it a priority.

  7. There is so much love and kindness in the world if we choose to see it. We have to weed through the bad stuff so it doesn’t cloud our view.

  8. This has made us really be present in the moment and focus on what really matters, this is a practice I will certainly continue.

  9. With a few changes, we can heal Mother Earth.

  10. Create more valuable time with those I love.

  11. Stop worrying about what we cannot control (hint; there isn’t much we can control).

  12. Turn off the TV! Get out and enjoy my life!

  13. I can prepare healthy nutritious meals at home.

  14. Keep my immune system up with proper nutrition, outdoor exercise, and taking care of my mental health.

  15. Be gentle with myself, I am doing the best I can.

Throughout this experience many have said, “learn a new skill, do something productive with this time”, I am here to tell you that however you get through each day is perfect for you. I usually work 12 plus hours a day, 6-7 days a week and I have been taking this time as a sign that it’s time to rest and reset. To move energy, I have been painting and creating when I feel well enough to do it. If your victory is just to get out of bed today, then celebrate it. If tomorrow you got out of bed and took a shower, celebrate it. The more you celebrate, the more you will have to celebrate.

I would love to hear how what your takeaways are from all of this, be sure to leave me a comment below.

As I have been painting and creating I have created some new beautiful designs for my new tote bags. To help me celebrate the launch of my new products I am giving one of these totes away for free!

Click here for all the details on how to enter.

As always, I am sending you lots of love and light my friend.

BIG HUGS coming your way (don’t worry it’s s social distancing hug-lol).



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